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Some links goes here

Romantic hearts following mouse cursor
Search box to find texts on the pages
Snow on the page
Rain on page
Today's date on website on a nice calendar
A user mouse follower analog clock
Sparkles around mouse
Change color of the scrollbar and make it colorful
Put password on your website to protect your pages
Show welcome message to visitors of your website
Set your website as the visitor's homepage
Shake Internet Explorer
How to print a page in HTML pages
Calculator in your page
Dancing status bar sliding nicely
Background changing color effect
Message to user by clicking a button
Combo box link box to browse your website easily
Redirect to another page and link automatically to other pages
Different times of the world by the users choice from a list
HTML Popup Window Code
Html graphic bullets
HTML table placeholder
Html email form
Html protect email
Making scrolling text with the use of the marquee tag
Mouseover Alert HTML Script
Choose a background
Changing Table Background Colors on Mouseover
Embedding Web Pages within Web Pages
Create a Gradient Background Effect
Open a new window on page unload
Redirect to a New Page
Colored Text Boxes
Customizing Horizontal Rules (Line Dividers)
Adding An Image Background To Your Tables
Adding Color To Your Table Borders
How To Make Your Background Image Stationary
Replacing Your Standard HTML List Bullets With Graphic Bullets
Creating A Placeholder For An Empty Table Cell
Changing Link Colors
Escape From Frame Link
Changing Web Page Margins
Auto Fill Email Subject
Status Bar Link Description
Highlighting Links and Text
Preventing Browser Cache
Preventing Search Engine Indexing
Removing A Link Underline
Music on your website
Marquee HTML Code
Window message
Unordered (un-numbered) List
Embedding a video file
Color using Inline Styles
Table color
Mouse Clock
HTML Cursor Code
Comments Code
Close Window Code
Overlapping Text Code
Analog Watch
Mouse Clock
Color mouse clock
digital clock
Space in my page
Changing slowly back ground
Six dots around the the mouse cursor
six stars around the the mouse cursor
two lines around the mouse cursor
Beautiful text
Beautiful text two
shadow text
check all - unchek all
choose your country
print your page
Page description
Keywords meta Tags
text box
Another Contact us form
Table with All Borders (Even with Empty Cells)
Beautiful and Stylish Text Box
Keywords Meta Tag
Description Meta Tag
Robot Meta Tag - Preventing Search Engines Indexing and Following
Refresh Meta Tag - Redirect to Another Page
Author Meta Tag
Revisit-after Meta Tag - When Should the Search Engin Come Back?
Language Meta Tag
Reply-to Meta Tag
Abstract Meta Tag
Copyright Meta Tag
Beautiful and Stylish Table
Style - Inline vs. Head
Windows Media Playaer for Your Website (Play Audios and Videos)
Picture / Image as Submit Button
Using SWF Flash Movies in your Website
Bing (MSN) Search on Your Page
Google Search on Your Page
Marquee Tag (Moving Text)
Email Link with Subject
Table with All Borders (Even with Empty Cells)
Contact us Form
Beautiful and Stylish Text Box
Keywords Meta Tag
Description Meta Tag
Robot Meta Tag - Preventing Search Engines Indexing and Following
Refresh Meta Tag - Redirect to Another Page
Author Meta Tag
Revisit-after Meta Tag - When Should the Search Engin Come Back?
Language Meta Tag
Reply-to Meta Tag
Abstract Meta Tag
Copyright Meta Tag
Close Window Code
Comments Tag
Cursor Code
Beautiful and Stylish Table
Style - Inline vs. Head
Music Player
Link without Underline
Highlighting Links and Text
Link with Status Bar Description
Page Margins Changing
Links Opened in the Main page
Colorful Links
Page with Repeated Image as the Background
Table Color Effects
Table with Background Image
Horizontal Rules (Line Dividers)
Background Gradient Effect
Embeded Pages within another Page
Table with Background Color Change on Mouseover
Page Background Color Changing with Buttons
Link with Alert on Mouseover
Windows Media Playaer for Your Website (Play Audios and Videos)
Picture / Image as Submit Button
Using SWF Flash Movies in the Website
Different Font Styles without Using Fonts
The Same Format as in the Code Area
Abbreviations and Tool Tip Texts (Information Box)
Inversed Direction Texts (Right to Left)
More Horizontal Lines for Separating Paragraphs
HTML Address Tag
Blockquote and q Tags - Different Ways of HTML Quoting
Style Sheet
Specify Where to Open the Link - Current Page/ Frame or the Other Ones
Images and Other Objects as Links
Page Parts Links - Catalog for Your Page
A Complete Email Link
Different Types of Ordered (Numbered) Lists
Different Types of Unordered (un-numbered) Lists
Graphic Bullets (instead od circles) for the Lists
New Stylish Lists
Multilevel Lists
Definition Lists
Login Form
Register Form
All Links with a one URL
Opening New Page when Current Page is Closed
FLV Video Player
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