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Feel The Power


Well, this picture is probably exactly why I made this website.

I got up and looked outside and saw a really nice sunset. The idea of this website and everything just came to my mind and I could feel how successful this website becomes.

Now, we are the first result in every search engine with many users who are seeking the best Javascript codes.

When I saw the sunset, I had a really good feeling about starting this website. I kept watching until the sun disapeared.

I am Krishna Eydat I am currently studying Software Engineering at University of Waterloo in Canada. I am just trying to make the world a better place. Therefore, I am just doing my part by trying to contribute the best codes.

I would like to thank my father who is the love of my life and helped me in every step of my life. Please be a community of this website and visit the website regularly.

Thank you,

Krishna Eydat

Toronto, Canada

Check out my other websites:         The website which I made when I entered to Canada

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